Permanent Makeup Before & After Care

Please note: Permanent makeup may not be suitable for you at this time if you are experiencing the following below

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • History of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring

  • Diabetic (require doctor’s clearance)

  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)

  • Viral infections and/or diseases

  • Epilepsy

  • Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Organ transplant

  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

  • Accutane in the past year

  • Heart conditions, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, Poor general health

  • Considering or in the process of a facelift or eye lift, cosmetic tattoo removal, chemical peel, or laser peel. 

  • Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system/healing would make you NOT a good candidate for micropigmentation procedures.


Before the procedure
Before your permanent makeup procedure, it’s important to avoid certain substances that may affect the implantation of the pigment and the overall procedure. Please refrain from consuming blood thinners, aspirin, retinol, coffee, and alcohol on the day of the procedure and for 24 hours beforehand. These precautions are essential to ensure optimal results and a smooth procedure process.

During the procedure
A topical numbing cream will be applied to the area to minimize any discomfort. Throughout the process, a gel numbing agent will also be applied to ensure your comfort. Just relax and let us take care of everything. It’s the best way to ensure a smooth and comfortable procedure for you.

After the procedure
It’s crucial to maintain the cleanliness and dryness of the treated area for the first 24 hours, after 24 hours you can gently wash the area with lukewarm water, dab it with a clean paper towel or gauze to dry, and refrain from applying any makeup or skincare creams to the treated area. Please remember dry healing gives the best results, simply remember to keep “Dry & Clean”!

NOTE: For all lip procedure aftercare, your artist will provide you with a healing cream and will advise you on what you need to do and how to use it right after the procedure.

Touch up

After your initial permanent makeup session, a touch-up session, also known as a perfecting session, is essential to finalize the shape, and overall look, and ensure even pigment deposition into the skin. To ensure the best results, we advise booking your touch-up session in advance. If you need assistance determining the optimal timing for your touch-up, please consult with your artist. We’re here to help you achieve your desired timeless look and ensure long-lasting satisfaction with your permanent makeup.

Brow touch-up: Please book 4-7 weeks after the initial session.

Lips & Eyeliner: Please book 8 weeks after the initial session.